Health Tip: Working out with diabetes

///Health Tip: Working out with diabetes

By:Lauren Corbett

Do you or a loved one have diabetes? Don’t let that stop you from getting a good work out.

These tips may help you better prepare for a workout:

  • Carry at least 15 grams of a fast-acting carbohydrate, suggestions may be: a half-cup of fruit juice, 5 hard candies, or glucose tablets or gels that equal 15 grams, in case of low blood sugar.
  • Drink plenty of fluid before, during, and after exercise

Looking for exercises to do outside of the gym? Try:

  • Walk the dog! If you don’t have a pet walk with a neighbor or friend.
  • Do yard work! Mow the lawn, clean up the garden, or rake the leaves.
  • Try to sneak moving around and being active into your day as much as possible.

Stay consistent with exercise. Most people stop working out as soon as they start. To keep yourself on the right path try some of these pointers:

  • Take it slow, if you’re not used to exercising don’t take it too hard too fast or you’ll be sore and most likely won’t want to hit the gym the next day.
  • Find a workout buddy. If someone else is holding you accountable then you will work out more than by yourself.
  • Add exercise to your calendar so you can work your schedule around it. No excuses this way!
For more information on managing your diabetes and exercising go to WebMD Diabetes and Exercise Directory.


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2017-01-26T13:13:38-05:00 Fitness Tips, Health & Wellness|