Austin Gives Back to Support a Local Family for the Holidays

/, Behind the scenes at Austin/Austin Gives Back to Support a Local Family for the Holidays

Austin Gives Back









As a company, we believe strongly in giving back to our community, particularly around the holidays. We are thankful that we are able to contribute to those in need. Through our Austin Gives Back program, we consistently participate in activities or donations to support individuals or organizations that need assistance.

As our holiday gift to Dean, our CEO and owner, we adopted a family from Lighthouse of Oakland Countyโ€™s Emergency Services program and donated items they needed and gifts they wished for. Donated items included clothing, coats and cold weather accessories, shoes, blankets, a microwave, and fun gifts for the three children. We are grateful we were able to provide these gifts and have a direct impact on a family in our community.

Austin Gives Back - Group Shot










Lighthouse of Oakland County has three programs that serve low-income families โ€“ Lighthouse Emergency Services, Lighthouse PATH and Lighthouse Community Development. Families who turn to Lighthouse often have nowhere else to go, and have an immediate need for assistance with a variety of crisis situations.

Lighthouseโ€™s charitable programs include: a Virtual Pantry, Online Adopt-A-Family, Walks, and other events. You can donate and learn how to get involved with the Lighthouse of Oakland County here.

Read more about Austin Gives Back here.ย