HR Best Practices

/HR Best Practices

How to Create a Comprehensive Employee Handbook [+ Free Checklist]

2018-01-08T11:36:43-05:00 Employee Communication, HR Best Practices|

How to Create a Comprehensive Employee Handbook [+ Free Checklist] Cathy Siska Chief Operating Officer Creating Your Employee Handbook ย ย ย ย ย ย ย  [...]

Michigan Employee Leave Laws: An Employer’s Guide

2022-02-22T19:24:35-05:00 Employee Benefits, HR Best Practices, Human Resources - News & Compliance|

Employers may provide employees with different types of unpaid and/or paid leave as part of their total compensation package such as Paid Time Off (PTO), sick days, and [...]

10 Practical Ideas to Support Employee Emotional Well-Being

2022-02-22T12:13:28-05:00 Employee Benefits, Health & Wellness, HR Best Practices|

Emotional well-being is just as important as physical well-being and plays an important role in employee health and performance.  If an employee is going through a hard time [...]