Obamacare โ€“ Health Care Reform

/Obamacare - Health Care Reform

Are you still in โ€˜shock modeโ€™ with Health Care Reform?

2022-02-22T14:27:28-05:00 Obamacare - Health Care Reform|

In a recent article by Gillian Roberts for Employee Benefit News, "More than half of employers have not calculated their costs under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, but [...]

Preparing for Health Care Reform: Why โ€˜Play or Payโ€™ Isnโ€™t that Simple

2022-02-23T12:23:35-05:00 Obamacare - Health Care Reform|

You may have heard the 'play or pay' term used in regards to whether or not an employer with 50 or more full-time or full-time equivalent employees will offer medical [...]

Despite Health Care Reform rules, formal wellness plans lacking

2022-02-22T14:54:08-05:00 Health & Wellness, Obamacare - Health Care Reform|

The Affordable Care Act creates new incentives and builds on existing wellness program policies to support and encourage employer wellness program for healthier workplaces. The rules apply to "participatory wellness [...]

Coverage Notices Required for Groups Offering RX Plans

2022-02-22T14:53:15-05:00 Human Resources - News & Compliance, Obamacare - Health Care Reform|

Organizations that offer group prescription drug plans must notify their Medicare-eligible members each year with either a Notice of Creditable Coverage or a Notice of Non-Creditable Coverage. Letters must be [...]

3 Things Every Employer Should Know About Health Care Reform

2022-02-22T12:22:45-05:00 Employee Benefits, Obamacare - Health Care Reform|

As employers learn more about Health Care Reform, they are identifying the potential impact it will have on their business. Organizations working to comply with the legislation's provisions should know [...]