Change of Seasons Change of Routine

///Change of Seasons Change of Routine

By: Lauren Corbett

Embrace the change of weather and use it to your advantage

Out with the old in with the new, a quote we have all heard many times in our lifetime but holds a great point. When you feel stuck in the same routines exercise can start to feel boring. Don’t be afraid to switch things up. Creating excitement by starting down a new path makes it more motivating to get up and execute that workout you’ve been putting off.

Try out these ideas:

  1. Take a new class at the gym or recreation center
  2. Find things to do outside
  3. Join a walking/running club
  4. Go roller blading
  5. Ride your bike
  6. Learn to swim

The possibilities are endless; you never know you just might find your new passion!

2022-02-22T14:51:44-05:00 Fitness Tips, Health & Wellness|