Take a break from your busy schedule and enjoy one of these local events!
Tuesday, October 25
Free Health Exams: Low-cost flu vaccines, medication disposal and more. All welcome from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. at Roseville Recreation Center, 18185 Sycamore, Roseville. 586-469-6313. $15 seasonal flu shot (may be billed to Medicare Part B, a Medicare alternative or Medicaid, if eligible).
Free Lifestyle and Weight-Management Informational Seminar: With Dr. Tom Rifai, medical director of Metabolic Nutrition and Weight Management at 6 p.m. St. Joseph Mercy Oakland-Franco Communications Center, 44405 Woodward, Pontiac. 248-858-2475.
Wednesday, October 26
Bereavement Support Series: Offered by Henry Ford Hospice for adults 18 and older from 6:30-8 p.m. at Henry Ford Medical Center-Fairlane, 19401 Hubbard, Dearborn. Register for this free event at 248-588-2324.
Hat Strut for Breast Cancer Awareness: Students and special guests are encouraged to make a donation, wear a hat, and strut for the person they are representing. Donation will benefit the Race for the Cure Foundation. 9-10 a.m. at the Detroit International Academy for Young Women, 9026 Woodward, Detroit. Call school at 313-873-3050 to make a donation.
Joint Prevention Seminar: Dr. Shariff Bishai, board-certified orthopedic surgeons will discuss latest advancements in cartilage restoration. 6 p.m. at Mt. Clemens Regional Medical Center, 1000 Harrington, Mt. Clemens. Dinner provided. Free. Call to register 877-627-6248.
Thursday, October 27
Healthy Eating While Pregnant Class: Registered dietician will discuss the importance of eating healthy during pregnancy. 6:30-8 p.m. at Crittenton Hospital Medical Center, 1101 W. University, Rochester. $25, call to register 248-652-5660 www.crittenton.com.
Menopause and Stress Management: Informative discussion with Dr. Rebecca Williams and Dr. Deb Hollander of Providence and Providence Park Hospital. 7-9 p.m. Community House at 380 S. Bates, Birmingham. Free. Call to register 248-644-5832
Saturday, October 29
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer: 3 mile walk. 9:30 a.m. registration, 11 a.m. walk. Michigan State Capitol, 100 N. Capitol, Lansing. 517-373-2353. Sign up online at http://makingstrides.acsevents.org
Next Week
Women’s Night OutโLook Your Best, Feel Your Best, Be Your Best: With light dinner and dessert, cash bar, fashion show, gift basket drawings, local vendors, physician-speakers. 5:30-9 p.m. November 1 at Auburn Hills Marriott Pontiac at Centerpoint, 3600 Centerpoint Pontiac. Reservations 800-372-6094. $25
Holidays Without HeartBurnโHow Not To Gain 10 Pounds: Beaumont experts will share wellness information on eliminating heart burn, weight control, healthy cooking tips, recipes, heart health and physician and nutritional advice. Wine tasting and specialty food sampling. Free. 6-9 p.m. November 3 at SOLA Life & Fitness, 1555 E. South Blvd., Rochester Hills. 248-567-5600