Serving sizes and hidden calories

///Serving sizes and hidden calories

By: Lauren Corbett

If you’re making healthy eating choices and are not losing the weight, it may have something to do with serving sizes. Most people are unaware of the serving sizes of their meals. One might be surprised by how many calories can be packed into your favorite meals and snacks. Here are few recommended serving sizes for popular meals.

  • Cereal: 1cup which is about 190 calories, then when you add milk you’ve added another 190 calories. Most cereal bowls are bigger than 1 cup so be careful not to give yourself extra calories so early in the morning!
  • Peanut Butter: We can add it to about any meal or snack but be careful not to get carried away, 1 serving is 2tbsp. This is about 190 calories on top of what you are eating it with.
  • Frozen yogurt and ice cream: One cup is the recommended serving size; yogurt at that size adds up to 220 calories and ice cream 260, by doubling or tripling that serving size your splurge will be around 700 calories!
  • Liquid Coffee Creamer: Adding creamer to your morning cup of coffee is a great way to spruce it up, but be careful because 1tbsp is 40 calories! Watch how much you pour!

Paying attention to the serving sizes will give you a better understanding of what and how much you are consuming. These little tricks can really help you out on a weight loss journey and even to just be more conscious to your diet.


2022-02-23T12:27:13-05:00 Health & Wellness, Healthy Recipes|