Work-life “fit” and employee benefits among top reasons employees are staying at jobs

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Despite the uncertain job market, one of the top reasons Americans are staying at their current place of employment is the work-life “fit”, and enjoying what that do, according to a survey by American Psychological Association.

  • 59% of those with jobs report staying because of salary

  • 60% report staying because of benefits

  • 67% report staying because they enjoy their job and the work-life “fit”

Today, top employers are creating work environments that take note of what is important to employees. In some instances, if a company must forgo pay increases, they try to make . In other cases, promoting employee engagement and a positive work environment has played a significant role in maintaining employee morale when navigating a tough economic time.

Consider this at your benefits renewal: “How will my benefits package be one of the top reasons my employees stay?”