By: Lauren Corbett
A popular fitness question that everyone is curious about finding the answer to is which do you do first; cardio or weight lifting?
The answer is: it depends. As confusing and non-helpful as this answer seems, it really does answer the question. You may want toask yourself is “What is my goal?” Is it to increase your endurance or to gain mass? Now depending on the answer to this question, you can decide which is more beneficial for you to do first, cardio or resistance training. If your body is fresh and not already exhausted, it will perform at its maximum capacity and therefore produce its maximum results. So if you are training for a race, for example, cardio would be best to do first, before your muscles are exhausted from lifting. In contrast, if your goal is based on body mass, consider starting your workout with weight lifting.
Either way, which ever workout you choose to do first is benefiting your body. To help you decide what way is right for you, try both out and see what type of results you achieve. As always, consult a physician before beginning a new workout routine.